Blueberry Cheesecake

This desert is an ultimate delight for all. It’s a no bake recipe so it’s all the way more easier for you to make. You really would want to make this desert when you feel like trying something different because it’s not like your regular chocolate and vanilla flavor deserts but it’s equally delectable. Well, if you ask me? I think its better.

So the Blueberry Cheesecake is made of three layers. The bottom layer is a crumb base made of biscuits and butter , the middle layer is the creamy cheesecake filling which is made of cream cheese and whipped cream , the top layer is the blueberry topping. All you need to do is prepare the three layers, layer them up in a tin and refrigerate it to make it ready to eat.


For Crumb Base
  • 10-12 digestive biscuits
  • 4 tbsp. melted butter
  • 2 tbsp. brown sugar
For Cheesecake Filling
  • 6 ounces or 180 gms cream cheese spread
  • 1 and 1//2 cup whipped cream
  • 1 and 1/2 tbsp. milk
  • 3/4th of 1/4th cup powdered sugar
  • 1 and half tbsp. gelatin
  • 3-4 drops of vanilla essence
For Topping
  • Blueberry crush

  1. Take a round tin of about 7 inches in diameter with a loose bottom and grease it with a little bit of butter. Crush up the digestive biscuits really well or you can even grind them in a mixer. Add the brown sugar and melted butter and mix well with a spoon. Pour this mixture into the tin and cover the tin's base evenly. Now put the tin into the refrigerator to chill.
  2. In a bowl add the cream cheese spread. Cream it well with a beater. Add sugar, whipped cream and vanilla essence to it and beat well.
  3. Now in a bowl dissolve the gelatin in milk (proper procedure is mentioned in the notes) and then pour it into the cheesecake mix and beat well.
  4. Pour the cheesecake mix into the tin over the crumb layer and even it out. Chill for about 3-4 hours.
  5. Before serving, pour blueberry crush over the cake evenly (just a thin layer) and chill for another 30 mins.
  6. To serve, very carefully and slowly push the loose bottom out and cut nice, clean slices and serve.

* You can double up the recipe to make the cake in a large tin.
* In the picture, I made this cheesecake in a larger tin so that I could arrange the thin slices on top of each other like a trifle. (just for fun)

*You can whip cream up at home with fresh cream or I would suggest you to get whipping cream from the supermarket.
  1. To dissolve the gelatin use cold water - not warm or boiling - so it won't clump together
  2. Use a wide-mouth bowl - not a cup - so you can sprinkle the gelatin evenly and thinly
  3. Whisking with a fork - not a spoon - so that it separates while combining.
  4. Stand for 5 minutes -called "sponging" - while the gelatine swells and its particles soften
  5. Stand the bowl in hot water - indirect heat - and whisk until dissolved. High heat destroys gelatin’s ability to set, so use the lowest temperature possible to dissolve it and heat for the shortest time.
  6. Cool slightly: it should be around the same temperature of what you are setting - a colder mixture cools the gelatin to form lumps.


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