Lemon meringue tart

Well goodfood is one website which  I keep looking up for new and nice recipes. This time I was looking for something made with lemons. So I found this recipe of little lemon meringue pies which fascinated me due to the golden meringue peaks and the bright yellow lemon filling. I gathered all my ingredients , changed he proportions according to my availability of them and went on ahead baking it. They are refreshing and sweet with a lovely shortcrust pastry crust. A must try!


  • 100 gms flour
  • 100 gms butter
  • A lightly whisked egg
  • 30+112 + 50 gms sugar
  • Zest of 3 lemons
  • Juice of 2 lemons
  • 4 whole eggs
  • 2 eggs separated
  • few drops of vanilla essence


1. Make the shortcrust pastry by first making a sandy mixture with flour, 50 gms butter, 30gms sugar. Knead and get the dough together using half of the whisked egg. Plastic wrap  and chill in the fridge for 30 mins.
2. Preheat oven at 180C. Take the dough, roll it out and line it in little tart moulds. Blind bake the tarts till slightly golden. Dont demould the tarts when done, just keep them aside, while you make the lemon curd and meringue.
3. Put zest, juice, remaining butter and 112gms sugar in a pan. Heat it lightly , until sugar dissolves. Then remove from heat.
4. Beat the whole eggs and egg yolks together and stir into the pan. Heat on low flame for 10-15 mins or until thickened. Sieve and fill 3/4th of each tart.
5. For meringue, beat egg whites till soft peaks form. Add 50gms of sugar in halves , vanilla essensce and beat till stiff peaks form.
6. Put a dollop of meringue on every tart. Dip palette knife into water and make peaks on each dollop.
7. Bake for 15mins or until the peaks of meringue are just brown. Chill in refrigerator for an hour or two, then serve.


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