Full proof chocolate sponge cake recipe

Lately my mom's dear friend taught me how to make this lovely sponge cake, Its truely amazing, spongy and soft,  So, if you are home chef, this recipe is surely an addition to your recipe notebooks and something which will give your homemade cakes a professional touch,

We made this sponge cake with a chocolate ganache icing as filling and coffee flavored whipped cream icing. Its a must try for all and its pretty simple to make too. :D


For cake :

  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup all purpose flour
  • 1/4 tsp cake gel
  • 3/4 tsp baking powder
  • 1-2 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence

For chocolate ganache filling:

  • 150 gms melted chocolate compound
  • 4-5 serving spoons full of whipped topping

For coffee flavored whipped cream icing:

  • 6-7 cups of whipped topping
  • 2 tsp of coffee
  • 2 tbsp of boiling water


  1.  Beat eggs and sugar in a container till white and fluffy or about 10-12 mins, (keep the container slanted while beating)
  2. Sieve flour, baking powder (dry ingredients)  and cocoa 2-3 times.
  3. Add dry ingredients spoon by spoon to the egg and beat well. 
  4. Add essence and beat again.
  5. Now add cake gel and beat well.
  6. Put the batter in a greased cake tin and bake for 35-40 mins in a preheated oven at 180C.
  7. Cool the cake completely and divide into two halves.
  8. Dissolve 2-3tbsps of sugar in a small bowl of water. 
  9. With a spoon sprinkle and spread on both halves of sponge and chill till you make the icing. 
  10. In a container pour lots of ice cubes. Put another smaller container on top of it with whipped topping in it. Beat till cream is whipped well and stiff. 
  11. Separate the cream for chocolate ganache icing and coffee icing.
  12. Mix cream and melted chocolate and sandwich between the two sponge halves neatly with a palette knife.
  13. Dissolve coffee in water. Add to whipped cream and beat till mixed well. 
  14. Ice the cake neatly with first a thin coat (crumb  coat) and then a thick one for the final icing. 
  15. Sprinkle some cocoa powder on top with a sieve for garnish or pipe some cream.
  16. Chill and serve.

* Cake gel is easily available with any bakery products wholesaler or such a shop.
* You can flavor you cream the way you want the taste to be with essences or color it too.
* Sugar syrup keeps the sponge moist.
* Its a must to chill the cake before you ice it.
* The chocolate ganche icing should be thick. You can use more whipped cream to do that.


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