12 Cities 12 Chefs 12 Cuisines - Indian Culinary Route 2015 at Marriott Whitefield
2 chefs 12 cities 12 cuisines : Indian culinary route 2015 , Marriott Whitefield From the warm welcome to a goodie-bag goodbye, it was a completely worthwhile evening to spare from my hectic schedule of college and french classes at Marriott Whitefield's Indian Culinary Route 2015 . It started off in brief with a lovely ginger and coconut flavored welcome drink, eye pleasing decor, the sound of beautiful Indian instrumentals, the highlight of the event , 'the lip smacking food' made by the 12 specialty chefs from the best of 12 Marriott's all over India and ended with a variety of delectable desserts by Marriott Whitefield. ginger and coconut welcome drink I started off my journey by adoring the ethnic set up of the dining table with customized table mats for the event, the basket of flutes wrapped in colorful threads and then prepping mysel...