Grilled Breakfast rolls

I just got a new oven and so I planned on grilling something today. Breakfast is the heaviest meal in the day for me. Its the only time where I eat ingredients like cheese, chicken, eggs, etc. So, I tired making this breakfast roll out of bread today. When I used to go to my Grandma's in summer vacations, she often used to roll up some cottage cheese in a rolled out slice of bread, pan fry it, give it to me and my cousins for snack time. Taking inspiration from there, I made my breakfast in a similar manner.

As I told you that I learn through this entire process of blogging and experimenting with food, here is what i learnt today : I was eating out those olives in my garnish and realized if some chopped jalapenos or olives would go inside the filling it would taste reallllyy amazing or another idea is to make a dressing out of chopped olives, olive oil, lemon and mustard or mayo. 

Henceforth, I am going to work on my Dressing and post it soon as I believe its going to turn out to be really delicious and versatile.  

There you go with the recipe :-


  • 4 Bread Slices
  • Mayonnaise

  • 4 Chicken Salami slices
  • To be chopped:Tomato(Half)
                            Onion (Half)
                            Baby Corn (2)
  • 2 tbsp Schezwan Chutney 
  • Seasoning: Chilli Pwd, Pepper, Salt
  • Grated Mozzarella
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tbsp Melted Butter 
  • Oregano
  • Sweet Chilli Sauce (Vega)

    *you can add the chopped olives or jalapenos if you want.


1. Cut out the sides of the bread and roll it thin.

2. Apply mayonnaise on one side.

3. Mix together tomatoes, onion, baby corn, schezwan chutney, seasoning, an egg, grated cheese all together for the filling.
3. Place the slice of salami on the mayo side of the bread with filling in the center.

4. Roll it up into a cylinder and coat it with butter and sprinkle some oregano on top. 

5, Place on a baking tray and grill it for 10-15 mins at 250 C. 

6. Enjoy it hot with sweet chilli sauce and mayonnaise.


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